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Alessandro Brun

Immagine del redattore: EsculapioEsculapio

Aggiornamento: 15 gen 2021

Born in Milan on October 12th, 1973. In June 1997 he got a Master Degree with honours in Production and Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. From September 1997 to December 2000 he was PhD student in Production and Management Engineering at the Dipartimento di Economia e Produzione of Politecnico di Milano; in the same period he also attended Summer Schools and training courses both in Italy and abroad. In February 2001 he got his PhD in Production and Management Engineering, defending a thesis entitled “Distributed Approaches to Supply Chain Planning”. Since 1997 he was an active member of the research team at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Gestionale in the areas of Manufacturing and Logistic Systems Design and Management, Industrial Technologies and Management Information Systems. Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Milano since October, 2014, has been deputy director of the MBA program (editions XXIV to XXVII) at MIP-Politecnico di Milano. He presently is Director and Coordinator of Executive training in Six Sigma and Luxury Management. His main research streams are related to Quality Management and Luxury Management. Along with teaching and research duties, he is actively participating in a set of other activities. He has been President of the ALIG association (association gathering over 7.000 ex-alumni in Production and Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano), and is member of the organizing committee of the International Conference “Management and Engineering”, referee for International Journals in the fields of Operations and Quality Management, founder of the “Circolo Six Sigma”, a cultural initiative involving companies embracing the Six Sigma improvement programme.


Alessandro Brun, Matteo Casadio Strozzi

I ED.2020 Hardcover 394 Pag.

ISBN: 9788893852203

€ 58,00

La gestione della qualità passa per il miglioramento dei processi aziendali. Il Six Sigma si è dimostrato essere uno dei sistemi più efficaci per raggiungere l’eccellenza operativa, grazie ai risultati raggiunti sia dalle grandi multinazionali, sia dalle aziende più piccole pronte al cambiamento.


Alessandro Brun, Matteo Casadio Strozzi

III Ed.2020 17x24 paperback 256 Pag.

ISBN: 9788893852173

€ 23,00

This book is intended to offer a theoretical support and a practical guide to understand and use a wide set of quantitative tools for Quality Management. The most common tools and methods are first explained and then applied in industrial examples: Basic Statistics, Graphical Approach, Pareto, Hypothesis Testing, ANOVA, DoE, Control Chart, Acceptance Sampling are some of the covered topics.


Alessandro Brun, Matteo Casadio Strozzi

ISBN: 9788893852401

€ 68,00

Il Six Sigma è uno dei sistemi più efficaci per raggiungere l’operational excellence, che ha trasformato la gestione della qualità in un inesauribile centro di profitto per aziende grazie al miglioramento ed innovazione dei processi. Questo manuale completa quanto già affrontato nel precedente e complementare manuale Six Sigma per le Green Belt, presentando il Six Sigma come un modello organico di Change Management.

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