6 feb

Author: Alberto Carpinteri
1 Edition 2024 17x24 Paperback Pag.288
ISBN: 9788893854443 - € 38,00
This series aims to cover, in a concise yet comprehensive and cohesive manner, the fundamental topics of Structural Engineering, from the most traditional to the most advanced. Firstly, it addresses the mechanics of linear elastic solids (three-dimensional bodies, plates, and beams), employing an original matrix-operator formulation particularly useful for numerical applications. The finite element method is introduced in a unified way for any structural element and for both static and dynamic regimes. Additionally, the theory of beam systems (hypostatic, isostatic, hyperstatic) is considered. For framed structures, based on the displacement method, automated calculation procedures commonly executed by electronic computers are introduced for both static and dynamic cases. Finally, it delves into the global structural collapses that occur most frequently: elastic buckling instability, plastic collapse, brittle fracture. Special attention is given to the interactions occurring in reality between these elementary mechanisms, in particular to elastic-plastic buckling instability and to ductile (elastic-plastic) fracture.
Scienza delle Costruzioni 1
Scienza delle Costruzioni 2
Meccanica della Frattura
Meccanica Computazionale
Meccanica Non-lineare delle Strutture
Dinamica delle Strutture
Calcolo delle Strutture Isostatiche
Calcolo dei Telai Piani
Fondamenti di Meccanica delle Strutture
Video-lezioni Guidate di Meccanica delle Strutture
Video-lectures on Fracture and Plasticity.
Alberto CARPINTERI. Full Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Polytechnic University of Turin (1986-2023), he has served as Head of the Department of Structural Engineering (1989-1995) and as Director of Doctoral Studies in the same field (1990-2014). He has chaired major international scientific associations in the field of Structural Integrity (ICF, ESIS, IA-FraMCoS) and has received international awards and recognitions for his research in material testing (ASTM, SEM, RILEM). He is the author of over 1000 publications, including more than 500 articles in international journals and over 50 scientific or educational volumes.