6 feb

Enrico Vicario is a Full Professor of Computer Science and Engineering (IngInf05 - 09/H1). Since November 2016, he is the Head of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence.
He was born in 1965, received the Master Degree in Electronics Engineering (cum laude) in 1990 and the Ph.D. in Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Florence in 1994. From 1994 to 1998 he was an Assistant Professor at the Engineering School of the University of Florence. From 1998 to 2002, he was Associate Professor at the Universities of Ancona and then Florence. He is a Full Professor since 2002. He served as a member of the Academic Senate of the University of Florence (Nov.2012-Nov.2016), and as vice-President of the Italian Association of Computer Science and Engineering - GII (Sept.'13-Sept'17).
He works in the area of Software Engineering, at the at the Software Technologies Lab of the University of Florence (http://stlab.dinfo.unifi.it/), with a present scientific focus on:
model based development, verification, and evaluation of concurrent systems with uncertain temporal parameters and stochastic durations
software architectures and software engineering methods.
Before year 2000, he worked on
visual formalisms and matching algorithms for search by visual similarity in image archives.
He is author of more than 100 papers indexed on Scopus (including 18 works in various IEEE Transactions), with more than 1000 citations and total H-Index 16 (a more extensive list of publications).
S. Berretti, L. Carnevali, E. Vicario
Linguaggio C, strutture dati e algoritmi elementari, c++
ISBN: 9788893850513
€ 29,00
Nella prima parte del testo viene introdotto il linguaggio c. La trattazione mira a raggiungere una capacità di programmazione avanzata attraverso la comprensione analitica delle regole sintattiche e semantiche che formano la struttura compatta del linguaggio. Per il bene della concretezza vengono introdotte la libreria standard del linguaggio c e le chiamate di sistema, e viene anche descritta l’architettura di un processore elementare e il modo in cui un programma c viene tradotto in assembler, codificato in forma numerica ed eseguito.